Abstracts of papers and posters should be sent to the e-mail address:
geosympozjum@uw.edu.pl by 01.03.2018 at the latest.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts consistent with the template available in GeoSym2018_szablon_streszczenie.docx
Poster should have dimensions: 100 x 70 cm vertically
There is possibility to publish post-conference articles in the following journals (see journals web addresses for guidelines for authors):
Deadline for submission of post-conference articles: until 07.05.2018
- Open Geosciences (GeoSym2018 participants are exempt from the payment of 1000 €)
15 pkt MNiSW2016; IF2016= 0.475 www.opengeosciences.com - Archives of Civil Engineering
15 pkt MNiSW2016 http://ace.il.pw.edu.pl/ - Studia Quaternaria
14 pkt MNiSW2016 http://www.studia.quaternaria.pan.pl/SQ-author.html - Przegląd Geologiczny
12 pkt MNiSW2016 guidelines for authors
- Journal of Geodetic Science
9 pkt MNiSW2016 https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jogs - Inżynieria i Budownictwo
7 pkt MNiSW2016 http://www.inzynieriaibudownictwo.pl/informacje/informacje-dla-autorow - Geoengineering road bridges tunnels
4 pkt MNiSW2016 https://inzynieria.com/czasopisma/spis-tresci/146 - Modern Building Engineering
2 pkt MNiSW2016 http://www.nbi.com.pl/dla-autorow - An article in a monograph published cyclically: “Archivum Mineralogiae Monograph“